Friday, July 27, 2007

Week 5 cont'd - Thing 11&12

#11 The LibraryThing site proved to be both useful and interesting. I was able to catalog and rate several books very easily. In addition, I quickly found recommended reads and reviews by fellow subscribers via the social data feature. It was interesting to see the number of people that held the same books in their personal library. I think this is a very innovative site which I'm sure will continue to grow. Looking forward to adding to my collection & sharing more reads!

#12 Choosing the subject was the hardest part about setting up a Rollyo search tool. I opted for photography (no surprise there!) and put together a limited list of websites. I plan on adding to that list as I find appropriate sites. I have to admit that I never thought I'd be able to create my own search tool, pretty cool :).

Week 5 - 10th Thing

Wow, I had a tough time choosing which generator to present. After making myself a virtual ice cream cone and adding my name to a chocolate bar, I decided to check out the "sketch generator". Basically it turns photographs into sketches. This caught my eye because I love photography and and have an appreciation for art but have never been able to draw, paint etc. All you have to do is upload a photograph from your hard drive, flickr or my space account and you're ready to go! This handsome critter is J.J. (husband's dog). I definitely enjoyed this exercise :) .

Monday, July 9, 2007

Week 4 Things 8 & 9

Things 8 &9

I thoroughly enjoyed using my bloglines account. It's very convenient to have my favorites listed on one site and it does save alot of precious time! The bloglines website made it very easy to add a variety of feeds, all I had to do was check, check and check again. I can see how this becomes addictive, I'm curious as to how much space I have for my listings. Merlin also proves to be a useful site. I found it very easy to add feeds from the homepage. After clicking on the info island link, I was able to access the RSS icon. I was surprised that I'll I had to do was select my web- based reader and then the subscribe button. Technology just gets better and better!
Well- logging off for now :)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Week 3 Things 5, 6 & 7

Thing 5
Being a bird lover, I searched flickr's site for cockatiels. I found a picture of a cockatiel that looks just like my "Papaya". You can view him at

Thing 6
I checked out third party tools and discovered Mapps. This is a very cool site where one can map their flickr photos with geographic tags. Whether you want to see a sunset in California or look at flowers in Washington, Mapps is the place to go. Talk about connecting people across the country! What next ? Globally?

Thing 7
Speaking of digital cameras, I love mine! The only problem is that I tend to use the camera as a photo album. Instead of downloading them on my PC or taking the memory stick to a photo shop, I keep them in my camera. On the plus side, it's a great sized photo album that's easy to travel with. On the other hand ,I can't take anymore photos (without deleting). I think it's time to use Flickr and maybe invest in a new memory stick!